
Please see SENIS Mappers Comparison Matrix

SENIS is the only provider of compact solutions for accurate Bx, By, Bz and Btotal measurement in a single point, also for high-gradient magnetic fields! Please see how we do that.

SENIS® Magnetic Field Mappers measure magnetic field of permanent magnets and electromagnets by means of 3-axis Hall probes. SENIS Hall probes are calibrated at SENIS’ ISO17025:2017 accredited calibration lab.

Our innovative, smart probe connection technology allows an easy interchange of Hall and AMR probes, touch stylus and specialized probes, such as eddy-current probes for crack detection, sliding probes for in-contact measurements, probe arrays, etc.

SENIS’ mapper software provides real-time and off-line analysis and visualisation of measured magnetic field data, it generates a 3D map of the magnetic field, counts number of poles, calculates pole width for multipole magnets and rotors, detects zero crossings, measures magnetic angle, angle error and field homogeneity, provides GOOD/BAD decisions, detects cracks in magnets and in non-magnetized blanks and much more.

SENIS offers several Mappers and Mapping Systems:

  • General-purpose, high-end standard-size mapper MMS-1A-RS:125mm^3 scan volume, 0.1% measurement accuracy, very high positioning accuracy, for all magnet types and forms
  • General-purpose, high-end large-size mapper MMS-1X-RS: same as MMS-1A-RS, but for larger magnets/rotors, i.e. 500mm^3 scan volume
  • Mapper for cylindric-shaped magnets MMS-2A-ROT: 155mmx55mm scan volume, 1% measurement accuracy, high positioning accuracy, for rotors, ring, disc and segment magnets
  • Defectoscopes for crack detection in laboratories and as production EOL test equipment
  • Special customized mappers, mapper integration in CMMs and Form Measurement Machines such as MAHR MMQ, AC Magnetic Field Mapper, Mapping of demagnetized parts, EMC tests and others