3MH6-E High-Precision Teslameter with 3-axis Interchangeable Hall Probes
- The measurement of three components and calculation of total field amplitude and direction at a “point” only 0.5mm from the Probe end
- Teslameter with integrated C type 3-axis Hall Probe (Bx, By, Bz) and Temperature sensor
- Overall 3D (Bx, By, Bz) magnetic field sensitive volume (FSV) of the Hall IC: only 0.10 x 0.01 x 0.10 mm3
- Very high mutual orthogonality between the measurement axes of the probe: < 0.1º
- Full probe interchangeability is ensured: Each 3D Hall probe can be interchangeable with any other 3D Hall probe and any other 3MH6-E instrument, this in the terms of keeping the overall measurement DC accuracy of better than 100 ppm (0.01%)
- Probe Dimensions (length, width, thickness): 8.0mm x 4.0mm x 0.9mm;
- Measurement of DC & AC magnetic fields
- Triggers internal and external – Single shot, Manual and Continuous
- Four selectable magnetic field ranges: 100mT, 500mT, 2T, 20T (calibrated up to 9T)
- Probe interchangeability is ensured (Interchangeable Hall probes with calibration data stored in an integrated EEPROM)
- Very high magnetic DC resolution: better than 1ppm (@2T range: 1µT for perpendicular and 2µT for planar (|| with the probe plane) field components)
- Frequency bandwidth: DC – 2.5kHz (-3dB)
- Selectable sampling rate up to 7.5ks/sec
- High temperature stability: < 20ppm/°C
- Temperature compensated, both probe and electronic box
- 24-bit A/D Convertor
- Auto range, zeroing, hold, Max/Min values
- Accuracy: 0.01% (100ppm)
- Resolution: 1 µT
- Compensated mutual orthogonality between sensitivity axes: < 0.1°
- Interchangeable Hall probes (accuracy: 0.01% (100ppm))